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Ошибка C047B (управление активными подушками двигателя)


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День добрый всем. Сканер выдал ошибку C047B (цепь управления 1 приводом опоры двигателя)

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Насколько я понял (бегло прочитав бюллетень) - моторные подушки на Вашем автомобиле заполнены гликолевой жидкостью и управляются вакуумом (правда бюллетень привожу для мотора 3.6, лень искать дальше). Задействуя вакуум контроллер изменяет положение мембраны, выгибая ее и растягивая рабочее тело жидкости, тем самым уменьшая ее гидравлическое сопротивление

2014 Cadillac ATS | ATS VIN A Service Manual 5576614 | Engine/Propulsion | Engine Controls and Fuel - 3.6L LFX | Diagnostic Information and Procedures | Document ID: 2846960


Vacuum Operated Engine Mounts Description and Operation
The system consists of the following components:

•Engine mounts (Qty: 2)
•Vacuum tank assembly
•Valve assemblies (Qty: 2)
•Filter assembly
•An engine mount vacuum hose assembly (includes a check valve)
The vacuum switchable engine mounts each have two vacuum line ports. The port inside the larger opening on each engine mount is the vacuum port 1. The port inside the smaller opening is the vacuum port 2. The vacuum port 1 receives the larger diameter straight connector. The vacuum port 2 receives the smaller diameter 90 degree connector. By design, the vacuum port 1 connector will not fit onto the vacuum port 2. The vacuum switchable engine mounts have four states or operation modes, only three of which are used. The states that are used are Idle, Driveaway, and Smooth Road Shake (SRS).

The table below describes which ports receive vacuum during each state.

Idle State
Driveaway State
SRS State

Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Right

Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Left

The application of vacuum to the engine mount ports is controlled by two valve assemblies. These valve assemblies are ON or OFF electric solenoids. One valve assembly controls vacuum to the vacuum port 1, and the other one controls vacuum to the vacuum port 2. The valve assemblies are powered for 30 seconds after key off.

When the valve assembly is OFF, it is considered closed. There is no vacuum being applied to either of the vacuum ports on the engine mount. Instead, the engine mount is venting to atmosphere. When the valve assembly is commanded ON, the solenoid is open and there is vacuum applied to either of idle engine mount vacuum ports.

The engine mount vacuum hose assembly includes a filter assembly that captures dust particles, allowing only fresh air into the system. The filter assembly also prevents water from entering the system. The filter assembly protects the internals of the valve assemblies, engine mounts, vacuum lines, and tank. The filter assembly does not require maintenance.

If needed, vacuum is received from the intake manifold. It flows through the tank assembly, which also reserves vacuum. It then flows through the open valve assemblies to the engine mount ports which lead to two separate vacuum chambers inside the mount.

Caution: The total engine mount vacuum system must be replaced if glycol fluid is found anywhere in the system. Glycol fluid will damage system components and cause them to fail.

The engine mounts are filled with glycol fluid. The fluid is pushed back and forth through different paths in the engine mount by the main rubber element at the top of the engine mount. The fluid flows through the idle and/or bounce tracks/paths which impacts the stiffness and damping of the engine mounts. To control the flow of fluid through the tracks vacuum is turned off and on under two separate diaphragms.

The engine mounts, valve assemblies, vacuum tank assembly, and filter assembly are all serviced separately. The vacuum hoses, connectors and check valve are serviced as one hose assembly kit.

The engine mount software is in the Chassis Control Module (CCM). Vehicle operating data is received over the GMLAN. The (CCM) determines the appropriate state for the engine mounts based off the vehicle operating conditions.

The engine mounts are in the Idle state if the vehicle speed is less than 14 km/h (9 mph) and engine speed is greater than 300 RPM. The engine mounts are in the Smooth Road Shake (SRS) state if vehicle speed is between 105–137 km/h (65–85 mph) or if the engine speed is less than 300 RPM. Finally, the engine mounts are in the Driveaway state if the vehicle speed is between 14–105 km/h (9–65 mph), or above 137 km/h (85 mph). If a fault is detected in the system, the default mount state is the Driveaway state.

Valve Assembly Functional TestProper electrical operation of the engine mount valve assemblies can be confirmed using the GDS2- MDI. The valve assemblies can be turned ON and OFF via the GDS2- MDI. For proper operating valve assemblies, an audible click noise can be heard. Also, proper operating valve assemblies will get warm to the touch.

If proper system operation cannot be confirmed by ear or by touch, check the Chassis Control Module (CCM) for DTCs. Refer to DTC C047B and DTC C047C.

Engine Mount Vacuum System Leak TestNote: The engine mount vacuum system leak test should only be performed if there is strong evidence of an improper functioning vacuum operated engine mount system or a leak.

All other diagnostics checks should be performed before completing the engine mount vacuum system leak test. Refer to the following:

•Diagnostic System Check Instructions
•Vibration Diagnosis, Starting Point, and Correction
Caution: The total engine mount vacuum system must be replaced if glycol fluid is found anywhere in the system. Glycol fluid will damage system components and cause them to fail.

Note: Do not use pressure to test the engine mount vacuum system or component damage may occur.

Note: If relying on stored vacuum in the engine mount system vacuum for testing, start the vehicle and allow vacuum to build up to operating vacuum pressure prior to and during testing.

Vacuum leaks may be found using the J-23738-A Mityvac. Using the below chart, apply vacuum to each component of the engine mount vacuum system. The vacuum valve electrical connectors are part of the vacuum system and serve as partial seal against vacuum leaks. When performing the vacuum leak check procedures below, make sure the electrical connections to both vacuum valve assemblies remain intact. It will be necessary to use the GDS2- MDI to command the valve assemblies on to complete the test of the entire system and valve (solenoid) assemblies.

Before checking for vacuum leaks, perform the Valve Assembly Functional Test and a visual inspection of the engine mount vacuum system checking for loose connections. If the engine mount vacuum system is found to be within specification, it is not necessary to check the individual components.

Care should be taken when disconnecting and reconnecting the vacuum hoses as not to damage the internal hose connection. Before reconnecting any vacuum hose, inspect the female connector for damage. If significant damage is found as to affect the sealing, replace the affected hose. Refer to Engine Mount Vacuum Hose Replacement.

Mityvac Connection
Valve Assembly Position (GDS2-MDI)
Apply Vacuum
Acceptable Range (after 30 seconds)

Entire System
At check valve
70 kPa (10 psi)
70–65 kPa (10–9.5 psi)

LH Engine Mount
At vacuum port 2 (smaller opening
70 kPa (10 psi)
70–65 kPa (10–9.5 psi)

At vacuum port 1 (larger opening)
70 kPa (10 psi)
70–65 kPa (10–9.5 psi)

RH Engine Mount
At vacuum port 2 smaller opening
70 kPa (10 psi)
70–65 kPa (10–9.5 psi)

At vacuum port 1 (larger opening)
70 kPa (10 psi)
70–65 kPa (10–9.5 psi)

At either tank port, plug the other
35 kPa (5 psi)
35–30 kPa (5–4.5 psi)

Engine Mount Solenoid Valve- Right
At inlet port, plug port going to engine mount
70 kPa (10 psi)
70–65 kPa (10–9.5 psi)

Engine Mount Solenoid Valve- Left
At inlet port, plug port going to engine mount
70 kPa (10 psi)
70–65 kPa (10–9.5 psi)

If the engine mount vacuum system is found to be out of specification and the individual components are within specification, perform a detailed inspection of the engine mount vacuum system hose assembly. Inspect for any of the conditions below:

•Loose connection at each of the mounts, solenoids, or check valve
•Pinched vacuum lines
•Contamination in the vacuum lines, tank, or valve assemblies
•Cracks, cuts, dry-rot
•Worn or damaged connectors
Repair or replace the engine mount vacuum hose assembly as necessary.

4-State Vacuum Operated Engine Mount System

(1) Check Valve
(2) RH Engine Mount Bracket
(3) LH Engine Mount Bracket
(4) LH Engine Mount
(5) Vacuum Tank Assembly
(6) Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Left Assembly
(7) Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Right Assembly
(8) Filter Assembly
(9) Engine Mount Vacuum Hose Assembly
(10) RH Engine Mount
Vacuum Operated Engine Mount

(1) Engine Mount
(2) Vacuum Port 1 (larger opening)
(3) Vacuum Port 2 (smaller opening)
Valve (Solenoid) Assembly

(1) Valve Assembly
(2) Vacuum Inlet Port – To Vacuum Tank Assembly
(3) Vacuum Outlet Port – To Engine Mount
(4) Fresh Air Port – To Filter Assembly
Idle State – Vacuum Applied to both Ports

(1) Vacuum Tank Assembly
(2) Check Valve
(3) Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Right Assembly
(4) RH Engine Mount
(5) LH Engine Mount
(6) Filter Assembly
(7) Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Left Assembly
Driveaway State – No Vacuum Applied

(1) Vacuum Tank Assembly
(2) Check Valve
(3) Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Right Assembly
(4) RH Engine Mount
(5) LH Engine Mount
(6) Filter Assembly
(7) Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Left Assembly
Smooth Road Shake (SRS) State – Vacuum Applied to Vacuum Port 1 Only

(1) Vacuum Tank Assembly
(2) Check Valve
(3) Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Right Assembly
(4) RH Engine Mount
(5) LH Engine Mount
(6) Filter Assembly
(7) Engine Mount Solenoid Valve - Left Assembly
© 2014 General Motors. All rights reserved. 

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Принцип работы я примерно так и представлял. А как теперь избавиться от ошибки, из-за чего она могла вылезти?

Сейчас доступа к теплому помещению с ямой нет. А в холодной долго сидеть не хочется)

Искать проблему в проводке/разъемах к опоре если такие есть или еще где-то ковырять?

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Вакуум не берется ниоткуда. Должен быть какой-то ресивер с электронно управляемыми клапанами, от которого должны идти вакуумные трубочки к подушкам.

Поищите для начала схему расположения компонентов на свой мотор, а уж потом в яму -)

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Я так понял - вся єлектрика на ресивере или рядом, к опорам проводов не должно быть. Компоненты летом рассматривал, не помнил только были ли провода к подушкам.



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