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  02.03.2015 в 19:33, maverick80gg сказал:

Sorry it's not easy !


i have seen that :

Damaged or leaking exhaust manifold / catalytic converter / muffler / exhaust pipe


is it possible to be that



100% no.


DTC P0420


A three-way catalytic converter (TWC) controls emissions of hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). The

catalyst within the converter promotes a chemical reaction which oxidizes the HC and CO that are present in the exhaust gas. This process

converts these chemicals into water vapor and carbon dioxide (CO2), and will reduce the NOx, converting the NOx into nitrogen.

The catalytic converter stores oxygen. The efficiency of the TWC is determined by the measurement of the oxygen storage capacity (OSC). The

engine control module (ECM) measures the catalyst OSC by monitoring the heated oxygen sensor (HO2S) bank 1 sensor 2 and HO2S bank 2

sensor 2, during a steady state cruise. The ECM commands the air-to-fuel ratio lean and then rich for a calibrated number of cycles while

monitoring the response time of the HO2S 2. The ECM then establishes an average response time from subsequent air-to-fuel ratio cycles. The

difference of the average response time determines the OSC of the catalyst. If the ECM detects that this time difference is less than a calibrated

value, DTC P0420 or DTC P0430 sets.


I removed the lambda probe after catalyst on the right and tested the wire, they are not cut .

Then I removed the probe left side and I reversed the probes doite the left and vice versa.

I erased the fault code P0420 and it remains for me to wait until he comes back .

If this is the probe, I have the P0430 code if not I will consider the catalytic converter.


Too bad. Those are expensive. You can replace the catalytic element itself if you have catalyst professionals there but they won't be able to fool SRX ECM and it will still throw the code. But exhaust will smell nice again. Or you can replace with original and forget about it for 100,000 more kilometers.

  08.03.2015 в 19:11, maverick80gg сказал:

How can we do for made GM be responsable and accept the warranty ?

Russian GM dealers denies more dangerous recalls such as replacement of cracking fuel rail which may cause catching fire in the engine compartment.

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