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Все публикации пользователя Valery

  1. Привет черному Эску 017 на Северном ядре в Лужниках.
  2. Valery

    Лого Клуба

    Проголосовал за второй вариант хоть и венок нравится. Согласен с DUST подумалось также.
  3. Это же агитка там много неточностей. Перейдите в раздел комлектация и цены там точно написано где какая подвеска по моделям Кадди.
  4. Насколько я понял из амер. форума на СРХ2 Мрс не ставят. Если посмотреть официальный сайт Кадиллак то СРХ2 единственная модель Кадиллака в которой МРС отсутствует во всех модификациях подвеска с изменяемой жесткостью в реальном времени каждые 2 милисекуды считывается информация о дор. Покрытии но только аммортизаторы не с мет жидкостью а другой принцип изменяется диаметр перепускного отверстия между камерами:
  5. Для информации- как перезагрузить куе привожу первоисточник:
  6. Valery

    Разгонная динамика 3.0 249 л.с.

    Ну да только я воспринимаю по другому: резко педаль в пол машина на мгновение замирает резко пуляет(многие здесь описывали это как недостаток машина как будто получает пинок)и разгон до 7000оборотов обороты набирает очень быстро.
  7. Valery

    Разгонная динамика 3.0 249 л.с.

    У двигателя 3,6 до сотни 7,1 сек официальных данных по СРХ с 3,0 не видел нигде в свое время он делался как конкурент Лексусу350-му у которого в районе 8-ми сек поэтому у СРХ 3,0 в районе этого но это скорее всего расчетный как на практике-? Лично меня динамика моего устраивает поэтому не стал прошиваться т.к. ничего грамотного бы не сказал Алексею и мог исчезнуть "бросок кобры" а мне он нравится.
  8. Valery

    Сервис Задний мост

    вот что пишут на амер форуме на англ. знающие может переведут: This is a known problem with the AWD SRX. On my 2012 it was caused by Electronic Slip fluid leaking into the differential thru the limited slip clutch piston.
  9. Valery

    Разгонная динамика 3.0 249 л.с.

    Машина то обкатана? Может подождать пока. А так разницы не должно быть от недефорсированной должна ирвать и реветь и не только со ста. Правда бывает иногда ведет себя безразлично разгоняется ровненько не обращая внимания на педаль газа но редко от чего зависит пока не определил. Жена охарактеризовала поведение авто на трассе:"машина зверь, рвет когти, всех обогнал". Так если задаться целью можно ехать динамично.
  10. Valery

    SRX2_Камера заднего вида

    Да нормальная камера просто света м.б. мало У СРХ один фонарь заднего хода поэтому необходимо чтоб все было чисто камера и фонарь
  11. Valery

    Где находится vin cadillac srx2&

    Уважаемый san вы немножко запамятовали в посте номер 7 вы все четко объяснили смотреть надо не спереди на зад а наоборот, посмотреть сбоку левее фары РСТ-шная черная наклейка с VIN-ом
  12. И как адаптивный работает? Не выскакивает надпись: адаптивный круиз-контроль временно не доступен
  13. Версии модулей КУЕ:
  14. А надиктовывать смс- и отправлять нельзя? Да важно еще и произносить слова так как они звучат в шаблоне если япроизношу "отец" ударение на второй слог куе не соединяет если произнести "отиц" ударение на первый слог то моментально соеденит
  15. ух ты где то они нашли резервы но мы тоже навели шороху с -2000 вчера сегодня к обеду мы их опережали голосов на 20 но что то они включили наверное политика.
  16. нарыл в куе "секретную" информацию:
  17. Спасибо большое за внимание но в субботу с утра мне надо быть на работе а потом еще махануть в сторону Тулы 180км и обратно.
  18. Ух как заманчиво, шикарная возможность посетить Кострому но к сож. суббота занята.
  19. Записываюсь SRXII, 2013г,27т. км,сток, катализаторы, вариант номер 3 но чтобперла
  20. Как я понимаю у Эскалэйдчиков есть еще варианты альтернатива для прошивки а для срыкс и ситиков нет только у Алекс. Я думаю многие сомневаются машины новые как с гарантией, информации мало одни эмоции как будет хорошо.DUC же задавал конкретные вопросы отразится ли еще на чем что то отключится что то пропадет или этот процесс"безболезненный" во всех отношениях и никто ничем не рискует.
  21. Вообще как я понимаю обновления куе для пользователей официально через дилеров не предусмотрено даже в Штатах исходя из их форума.то есть с какой версией купил с той и будешь ездить обновлять или самостоятельно как сделал один пользователь у него была версия куе без навигации с HMI 1.1 от 12 или 13 года. Он купил модуль HMI 2.0 от 14 года со всеми его фишками антену GPS провод для соединения модуля и антенны сделал все сам пошагово описал и теперь доволен у него помимо навигации дополнительно появилось отправка прием смс еще какието вкусности. У нас такой вариант не возможен амер. модули вряд ли обучены русскому. Даже если дилер меняет модуль HMI по гарантии они все равно пришивают новому старый функционал соответствуещего года. Интересно чем отличаются у нас и отличаются ли версии куе 13 и14 годов.
  22. Ай да молодец!Игрушки то сейчас все дорогущие.
  23. Information Technology Информация из чего состоит cue только на английском может кто почерпает что для себя. Bosch NG1.1 HMI Teardown IHS Electronics & Media 22 April 2013 Sponsored by Overall Significance This teardown is of a Bosch NG1.1 HMI (Human Machine Interface) Unit - which is built specifically for GM and is the heart of CUE (Cadillac User Experience) infotainment system. The HMI provides processing power and a full set of connectivity interfaces behind the CUE. According to IHS Automotive practice, HMI is the central purpose and mission behind Cadillac CUE. GM began working on this new platform in 2008 and had incredible foresight throughout to predict and implement technology strategies to develop what could now be considered (at least on paper and in pre-production demonstration) the a new benchmark for infotainment HMI. GM first announced CUE in 2011 with the previous generation Bosch NG1.0 HMI and debuted on the Cadillac XTS and ATS sedans and SRX crossover. The device analyzed in this teardown report appears to be the second generation - NG1.1. Indeed, as of now, NG2.0 also exists and is believed to be the latest HMI version. While CUE is exclusively Cadillac only, other subsystems, such as the Bosch HMI units, can be shared amount various GM's platforms. According to IHS Automotive research, Opel Astra and Insignia are due to featuring the HMI next year in Europe. In the US, the new Impala, Silverado and Sierra and some other GM models will also feature the HMI. In addition, we believe that GM's counterpart in Korea is also getting it but specific models are unknown. Feature / Design Significance The Bosch NG1.1 HMI features a 400MHz ARM11 Tri-Core SoC from Renesas which, on top of its processing power, includes a Display Controller, Video ADC, MOST PHY and other interface functions such as DVD/HDD, USB and SD Card control. Wireless connectivity is supported by Alps BT/WLAN module containing a CSR BlueCore6 V2.1+EDR chip and a CSR6026 802.11b/g/n. This unit is a navigation version which come with 32GB storage in the form of Micron's eMMC NAND flash instead of a hard drive typically. In fact, this is the first time we see eMMC in place of HDD in automotive teardown we have performed. Overall design is simple and well integrated relative to other automotive infotainment system we have seen where multiple MCUs/processors would be presented. One can even think of it as a tablet PC - basically a central application processor + storage NAND + module or discrete ICs for different communication options such as WiFi, BT. Bosch NG1.1 HMI Main Image Bosch NG1.1 HMI Main Image Target Market General Motor The device is believed to be exclusively built for GM Released Unknown Bosch NG1.0 was probably released in 2012 when CUE was first debuted. No information is found for the NG1.1 Bosch NG1.1 HMI - Main PCB Top Bosch NG1.1 HMI - Main PCB Top Pricing and Availability Not Available As an OEM to OEM unit - pricing cannot be determined. Available to GM only Volume Estimations 1,000,000 Total Units 4 Total Years For the purposes of this teardown analysis, we have assumed an Annual Production Volume of 1000000 units and a Product Lifetime Volume of 4 year(s). Teardown volume and production assumptions are primarily used for our cost analysis in terms of amortized NRE and tooling costs, especially for custom components specific to the model being analyzed (mechanical components especially). Unless assumed volumes are different by an order of magnitude, minor changes in volume (say 1 million vs. 2) rarely have a large net effect on our final analysis because of this. Bosch NG1.1 HMI - Main PCB Bottom Bosch NG1.1 HMI - Main PCB Bottom Market Performance According to IHS's 'Automotive Research Q3 2012 Market Brief - HMI', the availability of HMI has grown more in North America than any other region. Note that the HMI referred here is the actual user interface, such as Instrument Cluster Displays (ICD), Front Seat Displays, Touch Screens and Voice Recognition. The Bosch NG1.1 HMI is a device that supports these functions/features. North America - HMI availabilty growth outpaced all other region. Center stack configuration is available in approximately 89% of new vehicles Europe - Steady growth rate. Approximately 77% of new vehicles are equipped with front seat displays APAC - Lowest availabilty compare to the rest of the world. Korea is the only country where the availability is growing rapidly. For more detail information, please consult IHS Automotive. Bosch NG1.1 HMI Cost Analysis Bosch NG1.1 HMI Cost Analysis Cost Notes One of our goals with this analysis was to clarify, at the component level, which components could be clearly identified as having some sort of special specifications, whether it is AEQ certifications, extend temperature ranges, etc. we have added a column in the bill of materials analysis to flag how each component was identified before pricing was performed. All components are categorized into 4 categories: those which can either positively be identified as either having 'special' requirements, or not, and those which we assumed to have special requirements or not. Some components fall into the 'not applicable' or 'none of the above' categories - such as mechanical components which should not be affected by such requirements, and have cost drivers that are different from typical electronic components. There can be a high degree of differentiation between consumer grade and automotive, or 'high spec' parts, and despite performing this nuanced pricing exercise to the best of our ability - there can still be a high degree of pricing variability in such components, which makes accuracy in estimating a greater challenge in such exercises. Every component and category of component will have different 'adders' or multipliers that will vary from product to product and manufacturer to manufacturer. Total BOM: $129.51 Top Cost Drivers below: $95.92 % of Total BOM 74% Main Cost Drivers below Micron Technology N2M400JDB341A Flash - eMMC NAND, 32GB- (Qty: 1) Renesas uPD35003-LN6 SoC - Tri-Core ARM11, 400MHz, w/ 2D/3D Graphics Functions & Peripherals Support- (Qty: 1) Alps Electric UGKZ2-201A Bluetooth / WLAN Module - Bluetooth V2.1+EDR, IEEE 802.11b/g/n, Automotive- (Qty: 1) Micron Technology MT41J512M8RA-15E AIT:D SDRAM - DDR3-1333, 4Gb, 1.5V- (Qty: 2) Epson AP-6110LR Inertial Sensor - 6-Dof, 3-Axis Gyroscope Plus 3-Axis Accelerometer, Analog Output- (Qty: 1) 6-Layer - FR4, Lead-Free- (Qty: 1) Spansion S29GL512S100DHA02 Flash - NOR, 512Mb, 100ns, 65nm- (Qty: 1) SMSC OS81092AM MOST Bus Controller - 50 Mbps, Automotive- (Qty: 1) Texas Instruments DS90UR905QSQ Serializer - FPD-Link II, 24-Bit Color, Up to 65MHz, Automotive- (Qty: 1) Ebmpapst 412F Series Fan - DC Brushless, 12VDC, 57mA, w/ Integral 2-Wire Harness, 2-Position Pin Socket Connector & Rubber Mounting Boot- (Qty: 1) Not Included in Analysis The total materials and manufacturing costs reported in this analysis reflect ONLY the direct materials cost (from component vendors and assorted EMS providers), AND manufacturing with basic test. Not included in this analysis are costs above and beyond the material manufacture of the core device itself - cost of intellectual property, royalties and licensing fees (those not already included into the per component price), software, software loading and test, shipping, logistics marketing and other channel costs including not only EMS provider and the OEM's margin, but that of other resellers. Our cost analysis is meant to focus on those costs incurred in the manufacture of the core device and exceptionally in some circumstances the packaging and literature as well. We do provide an Excel tab 'Overall Costs' where a user can enter their known pre and post production costs to build a per unit cost reflective of theirs actual expenditures. Manufacturing Notes Based on research, it appears that Bosch produces this NG1.1 HMI in Malaysia. No labels or markings are found regarding the COO on the device Country of Origin For the purposes of this analysis, we are assuming the following country(ies) of origin for each level of assembly, based on a combination of 'Made In' markings, and/or assumptions based on our knowledge of such equipment. Main PCB - Malaysia Other - Enclosures / Final Assembly - Malaysia Country of origin assumptions relate directly to the associated cost of manufacturing, where calculated by iSuppli. In the cases of 'finished' sub-assemblies (such as TBD), we do not calculate internal manufacturing costs, but rather assess the market price of the finished product in which case country of origin assumptions may or may not have a direct effect on pricing. Labor rates are applied directly only to hand inserted components and systems in our bill of materials, and although regional assumptions do, these new rates do not have a direct effect on our modeled calculations of placement costs for automated SMD assembly lines. ?Auto" inserted components (such as SMT components) placement costs are calculated by an iSuppli algorithm which allocates a cost per component based on the size and pincount of the device. This calculation is affected by country or region of origin as well. Design Complexity Component counts by assembly and the number of assembly are indicators of design complexity and efficiency. Component Qty: 1183 - Main PCB Component Qty: 9 - Other - Enclosures / Final Assembly Component Qty: 1192 - Grand Total The total component count of the Bosch NG1.1 is 1192. Overall it is a simple design - only one main PCB with metal shieldings in a plastic 'box'. The closest devices that we have performed teardown on are the Ford Sync and the Ford Sync2, both have a component count of ~980. However, the BT/WLAN Module in the Ford is not broken out into separate line items and it would have been estimated to push the Ford's count to ~1100. Component count is usually an indication of design/manufacturing complexity when compared to other similar devices. Overall, this is a simple design both mechanically and electronically. Component counts have a direct bearing on the overall manufacturing cycle times and costs, and also can increase or decrease overall yields and re-work. Our calculations of manufacturing costs factor counts and more qualitative complexities in the design. Design Notes As mentioned above, overall design is relatively simple and there is not much surprise in terms of key players in different slots. The device is designed around the Renesas SoC, Micron 32GB eMMC storage NAND and Alps BT/WLAN module. The Renesas uPD35003-LN6 SoC is also called EC-4255 and is a mid-range SoC for infotainment applications. We have seen many Renesas supplied ICs in this slot, particularly in devices from Japanese OEMs. Also, Freescale and TI are also among the common players in this slot. Micron supplies the eMMC and this is the first time we see eMMC in place of HDD or a SD card. The storage is mainly for navigation (map) use and is probably not user accessible. Alps and Mitsumi are pretty common in supplying modular solutions to the automotive industry One interesting component is the Epson AP6110 6-DoF MEMS Motion Sensor. In typical HMI applications, it is not requird to have a 6-D sensor. Most of the time those extra dimensions are for safety features such as roll detection which would not reside in the HMI module. Bosch NG1.1 HMI - Disassembly View 1 Bosch NG1.1 HMI - Disassembly View 1 By posting a comment you confirm that you have read and accept our Posting Rules and our Terms of Use of this site. 0 comments Livefyre Sign in2 Post comment as... Newest | Oldest | Top Comments
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