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Все публикации пользователя maverick80gg

  1. you can look here : http://en.cadillac-club.net/manual_download.php?id=56 you must been login for acces to download .
  2. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    It's not a question of chance . It's been a hard job of tractation and negociation with GM Europe . Luckily I had a copy of the original letter from GM .USA .
  3. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    My catalytic converter have been changed . guaranteed by GM Europe functioned . I went to a super dealer : http://www.chassay.fr/
  4. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    How can we do for made GM be responsable and accept the warranty ?
  5. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    i don't understand why ? if it's warranty, it's warranty everywhere, in US, in Russia, in France, everywhere !
  6. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    I've seen on this forum (http://www.cadillacforums.com/forums/cadillac-sts-forum-2005-through-2012/213241-catalytic-converter-recall-2005-v8.html ) that GM had extended the warranty of catalytic converters to 200,000 miles or 12 years. Have you heard something about that?
  7. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    My indicator is turned back on ! I remade a reading of the code and it is the P0420 . This is definitely the catalyst.
  8. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    I removed the lambda probe after catalyst on the right and tested the wire, they are not cut . Then I removed the probe left side and I reversed the probes doite the left and vice versa. I erased the fault code P0420 and it remains for me to wait until he comes back . If this is the probe, I have the P0430 code if not I will consider the catalytic converter.
  9. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    Sorry it's not easy ! i have seen that : Damaged or leaking exhaust manifold / catalytic converter / muffler / exhaust pipe is it possible to be that
  10. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    Is what it can not come from a leak exhaust ?
  11. maverick80gg

    obd code P0420

    I turned on the MIL and software Scanmaster shows me the P0420 code. Lambda sensors seem to run (see video) . View My Video What can this come?
  12. maverick80gg

    What is it for ?

    how can do for make it work ?
  13. maverick80gg

    What is it for ?

    What is the plug on the driver's side shock ?
  14. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    Yes my friend I try to made run the original GPS . I do not like to have an original equipment that does not work and having to put a GPS accessory or to change all the GPS radio equipment to put a one "made in china" device.
  15. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    it does not work . I think it has to come from the DVD player . When I put a DVD video, he said: No DVD.
  16. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    Apparently, in France also the GPS is crappy . Yet Denzo is a reliable brand. I'll try to burn the files SRX 2009 on a DVD + DL . I will tell you if it works.
  17. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    Come back to my DVD ! Is what I can burn it to DVD + 8 giga or is I have to do it on a DVD- ? I can not seem to find DVD -
  18. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    it's a 2005 V8 4,6 L and 325 HP
  19. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    another one :
  20. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    I was have not seen how to do. this my cadillac SRx: ] on this one you can see a part of my Peugeot 306
  21. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    i don't understand what does it mean
  22. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    It's have change a litte bit: https://www.google.fr/maps/@48.844067,2.281418,3a,75y,224.31h,98.92t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s6NA4zJhoWHPnmx0iXiFxQw!2e0 General Motor had change of commercial system : No more import of anything else that opel in France ! No Dealer of Chevrolet No Dealer of Cadillac Its the rest of subprimes crisis.
  23. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    thanks Mad Mike i have download the twoo first file . May i must write the dvd cadilac on a 4.7 or on 8 giga dvd ?
  24. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    yes it's a Denso
  25. maverick80gg

    navigation dvd file

    Yes i've got a Peugeot. No it's not a 508 Diesel engine, it's a 306 gas engine 1.4l. She's got 320.OOO Kms and i must made a Head cylinder gasket.
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